Bassar al-Assad, dob: 11 September 1965.
Hr. Day Month Year
? 戊 乙 乙
……+earth -wood -wood
? 辰 酉 巳
……Dragon Rooster Snake
Current Luck Pillar, 41-50: 庚辰 (metal Dragon)
Even though he is in Dragon penalty since he is 41, his problems didn’t start before March 2011. This is the date given in Wikipedia as the start of Syrian civil war. On this date, both the month and the year (辛 卯) are in total clash with his month pillar. However, he has another power element, 乙 sitting on the year stem. And 庚 stem of his luck combines this one away as well.
He is proving to be much tougher than everybody else thought. His Fai Kong personality has something to do with it I assume. I am actually trying to see how long can he last or will he last. His current luck pillar is Fai Kong as well.
In 2012, he has 3 Dragons in penalty. But as a weak earth person Dragon is his good element and what makes him Fai Kong and yang water stem supports his power. Maybe 2012 is not an entirely bad year for him, despite the penalty. Summer months were difficult, fire aggravating the penalty. July-未 was a nobleman. August should be good for him as 申 is another nobleman. October could be turbulent, but he could come out stronger through this clash. In November and December, strong winter water will support his power element. 辛 stem might cause problems in November though. January-丑 is yet another nobleman. It looks like he might make it.
Next year looks much better for him. His power will still have support from -water stem. As a weak earth person, he’ll also benefit from 巳, his resource element. The big question is: if the elements are strong enough to keep him as the president still.
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