Feng Shui 2024


Updating Your Feng Shui for Wood Dragon Year

The influences of the Flying Stars change from year to year. With the arrival of the Dragon year on 4th February 2024, there will be a great shift of energy regarding flying stars; as we are entering the age of 9 from 2024 until 2044, for the next 20 years the prosperty star is Purple 9, White star 1 will be the future prosperity and Black 2 will function as a more neutral star suggesting distant prosperity. However from the year 2034 it will be more usefult as an auspicious star bringing great health and fertility. This means White-8 will be a dated star from now on. However, some feng shui schools regard all white stars, 1-6 and 8, as auspicious even though they are dated such as 8 in period 9. This may actually require some significant adjustments in our homes and work space. Please check that your bed is placed in mountain star Purple-9 or White-1 to ensure harmony and good health.The entrance door is also important regarding the water stars, preferably in Purple-9 or White-1.

Prosperity star 9 is flying into the Southwest during the Dragon year. If your entrance door in the Southwest sector this year, you can look forward to a more prosperous year. If you have timely Water stars at the door already, and if the surrounding land forms support it, it’s effect will be doubled. If you are fortunate enough to have this rare combination at your door, you might even encourage it by adding a decorative element or a water feature, to support the good stars.

I will list below all the inauspicious stars in order of importance, their element, location in 2024 and how they can be remedied. However this is only general information. For a total evaluation of our Feng Shui we need to take a look at how the yearly stars, and even the monthly visiting stars, interact with our basic Flying Star chart.

One should consider the location of the stars as well when evaluating these changing influences. If a bad star such as Yellow 5 is visiting an area with a vital function such as entrance, living room, bedroom, reception area, or board-room at work, cures will certainly be necessary. If the very same star is to be found in a bathroom, storage area or another seldom used area, no cure will be required.

5earthYellow danger Westmetal/waterWind chimeswhite/metallic colours
2earth sickness Northmetal/water 6-coinswhite/metallic colours
3woodConflict/robbery Middle,
Tai Chi
firelamps/red objectsred/pink/purple
7metalScandal Southwater/woodbamboo in waterblack/green/blue

After curing all the visiting negative stars we need to check the position of Grand Duke Jupiter, also called Tai Sui (tài suì, 太岁), 3 Shars-3 Killings (sān shā, 三煞) and the Clash Position, Sui Po (suì pò, 岁破). When pinpointing these directions, it will be necessary to use a compass for precision and to mark the exact areas covered by these 15-degree segments on the floor-plan, to be able to see the precise areas of concern.

If you are building a new house or doing large scale renovation work this year, it would be particularly wise to check these directions first. It is said that offending the Grand Duke can create personal problems and offending Sui Po can be just as serious, not so much on a personal level, but effecting more your finances. If you have renovation plans, please check if you have Tai Sui and Sui Po segments disturbed. If so, please apply Feng Shui formulae for choosing a safe date to start (the building work or renovation). This also includes landscaping.

Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui) SE1122.5-127.5Best not facing this direction when sitting. No major renovations inside in this direction. No moving earth (planting included), construction and renovation work. Preferably avoid travelling towards this direction.
3 SHARS (3 killings) S2172.5-187.5This is the worst of the 3 Shars. Best not to have this direction behind you.
SE3142.5-2157.5Best not to have this direction behind you if possible.
Clash (Sui Po)NW1292.5-307.5Best not to have this direction behind you. Avoid moving earth, construction, renovation.

Alternatively, you could print the diagram above on a transparency and lay it over your floor-plan in order to see the areas of concern. However it is not always easy or practical to take all possible precautions. The important point is to be prepared for these changes and to remedy negative aspects as much as possible. I should also mention again that this list is made in order of importance.

Posted by Ayse Kaya at 3:49 pm